Review of Social bookmarking Sites: Pocket/Instapaper

 April 28th, 2022

By Kyle Harvey

In this assignment we were to choose to social bookmarking sites and then use them to gather articles. Out of the articles and sites that we selected 10 of the articles had to pertain to our hobbies and interests while another 10 articles had to consist of information related to our careers. I chose to select the sites Pocket and Instapaper. These are tools that I have used in the past to help me organize and go through articles more quickly since they also have the ability to read the site for you as well. I enjoyed each of the sites equally and feel that you can't really go wrong with either one. If you twisted my arm though, I would choose Pocket since it makes it very easy to share URLs of articles. Instapaper does have a sharing option, but it mostly makes you utilize email which isn't something that people use all the time. Below are the links to my blogs that contain both my Instapaper and Pocket Articles. Each Image is clickable and should take you straight to the article! 

Pocket Articles:

Instapaper Articles:


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