Application Review: Video Recording

April 28th, 2022                                                                                                     By: Kyle Harvey

The below video links we captured using the following applications: Screen Cast O Matic, Capture, and Microsoft's video recorder. Each of the applications used provided the user with the ability to record, edit, and upload screen capturing videos. This type of application is very useful in creating "How to Videos" and demonstrations. Out of all the Video recording applications my favorite was actual the Microsoft Recording App. This is because it was the simplest to use, saved directly to my computer, and required no third-party software's.  

Below is a small review of each application used:

 Capture Review:


Easy to use

Simple to download


Only provides a link to the video and does not provide the ability to download the video. The link to the video is provided below.

This video was recorded using Capture

Screen Cast O Matic Review:


Will Automatically Posts Videos to YouTube 

Simple and intuitive to use.


Third-Party Software

Upon 1st Download the Software Wouldn't work and I had to redownload it. In my opinion this affects reliability. 

Microsoft Video Recorder Review:

Already Available on My Computer 
Once the video is complete the video is automatically saved to the Videos Folder.

Does not automatically upload to YouTube.


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