A Review/Reflection-Glide Application Creator
May 11th, 2022
By Kyle Harvey
Hello, Friends!
During this lesson the class was the given the opportunity to explore the world of app making through Glide. This software allows an individual to create and publish mobile apps through Google Sheets. This is a great tool for anyone who is interested in app making but doesn't know how to code! I created an application that lists the greatest anime characters of all time, and my audience is of course fans of anime. This application was strictly information based as it would list the characters and then allow the user to click on them to read a short bio/description of the character. I opted to use the Google Sheets version of creating the app over using the template because I wanted to get the true feel of making the app from scratch. I definitely ran into a view issue with images not loading at first and text looking a little wonky, but overall, I'm happy with my finished product! In terms of my experience using Glide, I would definitely recommend it to a friend and found it no more difficult to navigate than a video editor or infographic editor. If you are at all tech savvy than you will instantly come to enjoy this app!
Below are a few screenshots of the application I created! Enjoy!
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