Course Reflection

May 12th, 2022

By Kyle Harvey 

Throughout this semester we have been given the opportunity to explore a myriad of applications that have enhanced our knowledge of business communication. Even though this course has moved by quickly we were able to explore blog building, Google Drive Applications, screen recorders, animations, video editors, and more. One of my favorite things about this course was the number of choices that we had to choose from when it came to reviewing and using applications. Also, being able to evaluate the best application allowed me to figure out which one would be the best one to take into my professional career. At my organization we are constantly look for unique applications that have the potential to take our training participant engagement to new levels. Remote training, video editing, and animations are a great way to bring a training to life and make sure the information sticks!

As stated above my favorite applications we reviewed were the animation creators/editors and the video editing software. This is because the best teaching (in my opinion) is story telling. An instructor/facilitator who is capable of bringing a teaching lesson to life is more likely to have an audience who puts that lesson into practice. This means that applications and software like the ones we explored have a huge return on investment for a business. I anticipate that I will be gathering a list of all the applications that I had a positive experience with and present them to my director as new tools we can incorporate into our training program! This will hopefully help my department enhance our training across the organization.

Something that I have decided that I will adopt into my personal life from this class is blogging! To be honest I have always been interested in creating a blog and had had plans of creating one through Linked In (which I still might do) but now that my Blogger account looks so nice and has everything in place to be a professional looking blog, I think I’ll keep it! Additionally, my topic that I’ve been interested in writing about is Talent Development and what better tools to have had reviewed on a Talent Development Specialists blog than business communication applications! The last thing I want to comment on regarding this blog is that it really has been a fun experience learning and designing everything that we’ve had a chance to explore even if I was only able to scratch the surface of their true potential uses and functionality.


Thank you for the opportunity, Mr. Scott! 


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